Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

How Much Money Can You Make From A Website: The Brass Tax

I was reading the Salty Droid the other night. If you have not heard of this guy, he exposes a lot of the very dirty things many of the gurus do in the Internet marketing space. It’s actually pretty funny and shows how they are not really the greatest marketers.

But it got me thinking about how most websites and people that talk about making money don’t really set the right expectations. And one of the first questions many new people ask is…

How Much Money Can You Make From A Website?

The simple answer if a lot! But it’s obviously a lot more complicated than just that alone. Here’s the brass tax about what you can expect. For that that are reading, this might scare you away.At least in the beginning, building an Internet business is an insane amount of work. INSANE amount of work.While you can make money fast, the odds are against you… especially if you have a full time job.It will take you months if not many years until you actually start to earn good money from your websites.It will be a full time job promoting and caring for your websites and your customers. The margarita dream doesn’t really exist.Yes, there are exceptions to all these rules and instances.No you can’t make money with just three clicks of a mouse. I guess you can’t if you didn’t count the millions upon millions of clicks up to those last three clicks.Yes, building a website and doing SEO can be mind numbing work and don’t be fooled, it is most definitely work.Yes, PPC is very hard to learn and it takes a lot of money to practice and get a campaign working.The best way to learn is not through a course but though doing it yourself and making a lot of mistakes.Get used to failure and use it to win.Be prepared for frustration and sleepless nights wondering why you can’t make anything work.Listen to your BS meter… if it shouts it’s too good to be true, either run or find out the full story.Yes, you will have to give up watching TV at nighttime if you want to make this work, only as a beginner.Yes, you will have to work all the time to make this work at least in the beginning.Yes, this list is pretty darn harsh but it’s the truth.

OK Enough Of The Downer… Here Is Some Upper

Doing all of this is one of the most rewarding feelings ever.The skill set you will learn is incredible and people will actively seek out your help. (I actually have local businesses that seek me out for help and I get to turn them down… it’s a cool feeling.)Your mind will be opened to a whole new world of possibility.You will continue to fail though, but at a much lower frequency.And this can go on and on and on!

The Bottom Line

I guess I just want to be completely black and white with you. No matter what type of business you want to start, you are going to have to bust your ass to make it work. You are going to have to bust your ass on a continual basis.

That is why so few people succeed because a very small percentage of people want to work that hard. It’s a simple fact.

But if you work hard and you do it consistently, you will succeed and it will be awesome.

Let me know if you have any questions about this.

View the original article here

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