Senin, 04 Juni 2012

What Are The Fundamentals Of An Internet Business And How Are They Going To Help?

When you are building an Internet business, it’s very easy to get bogged down with all the different options and really how slow things can move. For example, you start to build links and a month and a half later you are not on the first page. If it’s your first project, it can make you want to give up.

That is why knowing the fundamentals is so important and can help you so much. You have to keep remembering what you are doing and what you are doing it for and you should be able to get through one more day.

Fundamental 1: A Website

build a websiteThis is a pretty easy fundamental to have. Of course you need a website to attract people and make them do what you want them to do. This could be to sign up for a list or to have them click on a link… whatever the case maybe.

It’s very easy to get your website up and with a little bit of training, you can be very proficient at it.

If you want to get this type of training for free them I suggest you sign up for my Money Maker Report. This is a newsletter and an access to my training hub.

Click here to sign up for it!

Fundamental 2: An Offer

You need an offer which is something to offer to your visitors. This could be anything again… an affiliate product, an actual product of just to sign up for a newsletter list.

Special OfferA good example is the offer I just made to you to join my newsletter list. I told you that I have a free training for WordPress and a lot more great information. If you join my newsletter list then you can get free access to this info. That is an offer.

The way you give your offer is something you can test and optimize pretty easily. With some software, you can test different ways to make the offer and find one that does much better than anything else.

Here is When I Get Interested In Testing

I like to wait until I am consistently getting at least 100 visitors a day to the page then I will think about testing. You want your stats to be statistically meaningful.

You always want to work really hard on getting traffic which brings us to the last fundamental.

Fundamental 3: Traffic

Getting traffic to your website is vital. When I build a website, I typically will not worry too much about making different things their best until I get the traffic. Once I bust my booty to get the traffic and I see what the most popular pieces of content are, I will then rework those pieces of content to be better.

When it comes to getting traffic, there are all sorts of things you can do. You can build links for some SEO traffic, use paid traffic, use YouTube, podcasting, and so much more.

Website Traffic

You can even go offline with your traffic generation. Using post cards or little ads in magazines or newspapers is a great way to get traffic to your site. In fact it can be one way that has very little direct competition.

Now Remember What You Are Working For

Now all you have to do is remember what income level you are working for. Always remember that once you hit it, you can change it and make it bigger. But have an income level to hit.

Always remember this and have a life that you want to chase. This stuff works to help you get the things finish daily that you need to do.

View the original article here

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