Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Video Marketing Tips

Video Marketing Tips

Over the past 12 months I’ve been experimenting with video a lot and have been getting some very good results, so I decided to share my thoughts on video affiliate marketing on the blog. One of my online marketing buddies from the US, Mark actually got me into video, and together we’ve been testing all sorts of things, which I’ll discuss below.

The main things I’ve been doing with video focus on YouTube and getting more leads on my email list and making affiliate commissions directly from videos also.

The thing I like about using YouTube is that it’s a Page Rank 9 domain, that’s owned by Google, so when you create videos using YouTube, you can ride on the back of this authority and the results are very nice indeed.

We all know that when creating websites to make affiliate sales or get more leads for our email lists, it takes time and a fair amount of work. You have to buy the domain and hosting, get all the content written, build the site, and then of course plan your SEO strategy and hope Google gives you traffic. I do all of this and will continue to do so, as I love managing websites, but my point is that with YouTube videos you don’t have to bother with any of that, which is kind of nice!

You can put up a lot more videos and do it a lot faster than with websites. If you screw up a video, then you can quickly make a new one, and you haven’t lost much at all. I’ve made some websites in my time where I’ve wasted 3 months on them, only to find out it’s a dud and I move onto something else, thankfully this doesn’t happen much these days though.

Furthermore a lot of people like video, myself included, as it’s easier to take in the information than reading a page of text.

Click throughs on a video are often much higher than a standard website listing on the front page of Google too. If you see a video in the Google results, it’s a thumbnail of the video, and it stands out a lot more than a regular website listing does, so tends to attract more clicks.

I’ve provided an example with the ‘nursery rhymes’ image on the right, something I’ve been getting into more recently, having a 16 month old….some of them are quite good!

What I’ve been doing with great success is creating videos for lead generation purposes, and tracking the opt in rates. My YouTube channels have been doing very well, with some of my highest conversion rates compared to any other traffic source.

Once we figured out how to get lots of traffic to our videos quickly, we started to do straight affiliate promotions from the videos. Using the the same techniques for getting traffic to the videos, we experienced impressive results again. For example with a new website, if we targeted a keyword phrase that gets 1300 exact match local searches a month, according to the Google Keyword Tool, it can take months to get to the top for that, depending on the competition. However with YouTube videos we’ve been able to target keywords of this search volume and get to the top in 72 hours!

For example – Mark made a video recently where he targeted a keyword phrase that got 8100 exact match searches a month, and it took 2-3 weeks to get the affiliate video to the front page of Google, where it started making affiliate commissions straight away, and made $500 in it’s first month, for a video that took 15 mins to create.

Now don’t get me wrong, you can’t just go after any old keyword and get this sort of result, as I wrongly assumed when I started doing this, as some keywords simply do not respond to video, because the rules with video is slightly different than webpages. However once we worked out what keywords to target, it then became pretty easy to fly to the top of Google with all our videos. You also need to know the tricks on how Google and Youtube rank videos, as it’s not the same as websites, and more importantly what kind of keywords and offers to promote, which we worked out by a lot of trial and error.

Needless to say, I was getting more and more interested in YouTube videos! My fastest result from time of making the video to first affiliate commission was 36 hours. That’s no lie, it was actually that fast, but it’s only happened that quick once, most take a few weeks.

The key with videos, is to make sure you know how to convert the traffic that watches your videos. Along with my buddy Mark Dickenson, who I’ve been working very closely on video marketing with for the past 12 months, we’ve tested numerous different methods of videos, and finally worked out a formula that converts very well. All I’ll say is that you need to make sure you focus on the benefits of a product, and come across as genuine in your videos, to increase conversions, otherwise the video don’t make a penny!

When I started to get such good results with my YouTube videos, I wondered why I had not got into this earlier, and I really didn’t have a good explanation to give myself. I guess I had a mental block that video was difficult and I put it in the to do list. The truth is that video marketing is actually easier than website marketing, as there are much less technical things to do. You don’t have to worry about hosting, name servers, cpanel, plugins, writing, domains, Google Panda etc… as it all happens with a simple YouTube account.

You also don’t need to have a camcorder or know anything about all those confusing video formats….MP4, MOV, FLV, WMV etc…. can’t we just have one video format for goodness sake!!! Anyway, my point is I don’t understand all that, but I don’t need to either, as with YouTube all I do is use a simple free screen recording tool that spits out a video file which easily uploads into YouTube, end of story.

The videos I’ve had most success with are simple screen recording videos, where I either have a PowerPoint presentation, of about 2 -3 slides maximum, sometimes I only have one slide and an image!

After working out this formula for video marketing success, I decided to partner with Mark, my buddy from Seattle who I’ve been working closely on video with over the past 12 months, and create a product so I can pass on precisely how we have been able to have such great success with video marketing. The product is coming out very soon, might even be later this week, so keep your eyes peeled for that email, as we’re going to do a launch week special discount for you guys, that only lasts 7 days.

That’s all for this update folks,

Hi, my name is Matt Carter and this is my blog. I write about various topics to do with Internet Marketing and strive to provide the best free resource for people wanting to develop online businesses. More about me..

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