Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Google Drops Bomb on Blog Networks

Google Drops Bomb on Blog Networks Google Drops Bomb on Blog Networks

Google have recently been coming down pretty hard on blog networks, and deindexing a vast majority of some pretty popular networks out there. In this post I will discuss what I make of all this, and what the future of blog networks is.

The main network that got hit hard recently was BuildMyRank which a lot of affiliate marketers have used. They got pretty much all of their sites deindexed from Google, and I’ve heard some estimate it to be in the 10's of 1000's of domains. They are not the only one that got hit hard, others such as SEO Link Moster and Authority Link Network, plus others.

Blog networks are an easy way to get backlinks to your sites, however Google doesn’t like this type of link, as they do see it as paying for links, which we all know they frown upon, even though Google themselves have done this sort of thing!!

Google sent out over 700,000 notifications over the past few weeks to webmasters, warning them of unnatural linking. The result of this warning is varied, but I can say that one of my sites had this warning, and has consequently had a minor drop in rankings, but nothing too major at all.

Well the short answer is that Google wants all backlinks to sites to happen naturally. Matt Cutts the head of anti-spam at Google says that all you need to do is put up good quality content and let Google do the rest. This really doesn’t work though, as you need to do a lot more than that, especially when their is so much link buying going on. My point is that Google is trying to level the playing field all the time, by removing any source of paid links, and blog networks are a prime place to target.

If you had all your eggs in one basket and got all your links for your sites from say BuildMyRank, then you would not be having a very nice week, as one can only assume your rankings will soon, if not already, drop and your traffic and income with it.

However I don’t consider spreading your risk as simply joining more blog networks, as these may also do the same way as BuildMyRank, the way of the internet grave yard. The problem with neworks like BuildMyRank is that they own all the domains in the network, and hence a footprint, or pattern, is much easier for Google to spot. This is made worse when these networks get more and more popular.

In order to best explain what I think is the best solution to do if you have been heavily using blog networks, I’ve recorded a YouTube video for you below.

Essentially it comes back to quality, because if you have higher quality sites, it opens up many more opportunities to gain backlinks. If you have a good quality site, you will to a certain degree get people naturally linking to you, this blog does. Not only that, but you will also get a higher percentage of people that will be willing to accept a guest blog post from you, which they will publish on their sites, and of course there will be a link in that to your site. Social links will come more easily when you have a great site too.

These changes at Google just further reinforce to me that gone are the days of throwing up lots of low quality sites, that really solely on forced link building methods. Google Panda was the first big wave from Google to clean up their results, and this backlinking move is yet another wave. The sooner you move away from the mindset of trying to trick Google so much, and move towards giving Google what they want, then you will be in a better position.

I personally have scaled back massively on the number of sites I focus on now, because in order to do sites the way Google likes, and the way they should be done for that matter, takes more work, and therefore I find managing less is best. You have to manage Facebook fanpages, Google Plus, create quality content, etc…a lot of this was what Lisa Parmley spoke about in her recent webinar.

I see these changes at Google as a good thing, as if you stick with it and build good sites, which most people are too lazy to do, then you will win out big time folks, plenty of opportunity out there in SEO.

Hi, my name is Matt Carter and this is my blog. I write about various topics to do with Internet Marketing and strive to provide the best free resource for people wanting to develop online businesses. More about me..

View the original article here

Peliculas Online

Video Commission Formula

Video Commission Formula

Hi everyone

I’ve launched a new course with a friend of mine Mark Dickenson, called ‘Video Commission Formula‘.

The course is all about affiliate marketing via YouTube videos. The great thing about YouTube is that the videos rank really easily in Google and in a fraction of the time a website does.

We also teach list building with YouTube videos in the course. There is a huge scope for targeting various types of affiliates offers, ranging from Clickbank products to CPA and even physical goods too.

We are doing a launch special discount of $47, which expires next Thursday midnight.

This is by far the easiest method of affiliate marketing I have ever mastered too. Anyone should be totally able to get results with this.

Here’s the link to the sales page:

==>Video Commission Formula<==



Hi, my name is Matt Carter and this is my blog. I write about various topics to do with Internet Marketing and strive to provide the best free resource for people wanting to develop online businesses. More about me..

View the original article here

Peliculas Online

The Google Penguin Update

The Google Penguin Update

Recently Google released yet another change which is being referred to as the “Google Penguin” update. Sounds very cute, much like the friendly Google Panda…yeah right!!

In this post I want to discuss this latest update, and once again address some common concerns, as I seem to be getting a lot of worried people contacting me after their sites got hit hard by Google over the past few months.

Penguin was an update to the Google algorithm that was released on the 24th of April, with intention of apparently penalizing sites for over-optimization, otherwise known as spamming. The first thing I want to say is that its early days, and no one knows exactly what this update was precisely targeting, but nonetheless I will do my best to share some insight, as I can happily say that I actually experienced a positive increase or no change across the board on all my websites after this update, and also after the latest Panda update which happened the week prior.

First off, we can start to get an understanding of this update by reading what Google officially states about it. If you read the Google Webmaster blog it says this:

“The change will decrease rankings for sites that we believe are violating Google’s existing quality guidelines. We’ve always targeted webspam in our rankings, and this algorithm represents another improvement in our efforts to reduce webspam and promote high quality content. While we can’t divulge specific signals because we don’t want to give people a way to game our search results and worsen the experience for users, our advice for webmasters is to focus on creating high quality sites that create a good user experience and employ white hat SEO methods instead of engaging in aggressive webspam tactics.”

OK so as you would expect Google doesn’t spell it out for everyone, but rather provides a very vague overview and focusses on their overall intention with the update. The key things that we can take from this statement I believe are “high quality sites” and “good user experience“, nothing we didn’t all know already, but who’s actually doing it is more to the point.

One can safely assume that this update, after reading the full Google blog post, was looking at keyword stuffing in content, as Google gives  a really over the top example of what this looks like. The example is a poor one, as that sort of keyword stuffing has been slapped by Google for years, so I guess it’s some level of more critical analysis of over use of keywords in your On Page SEO that this update was targeting. With that said, you might want to pay attention to how your content uses keywords and make it look natural. Golden rule for all SEO, make it look natural if it isn’t totally natural!!

I’ve been harping on about the user experience on this blog a fair bit over the past few months, and you guessed it, I’m going to continue to do so, as I keep seeing sites that get slapped by Google, where the webmasters are shocked and have no idea why. In most cases when I look at these sites, I can see glaringly obvious reasons, as the sites are clearly not designed for the user at all.

I want to also add this quote from Matt Cutts (head of Google Anti-Spam team):

“We want people doing white hat search engine optimization (or even no search engine optimization at all) to be free to focus on creating amazing, compelling web sites. As always, we’ll keep our ears open for feedback on ways to iterate and improve our ranking algorithms toward that goal.”

…”even no optimization at all…” yeah right, and pigs may just fly one day too!

Also its important to note that Google Panda 3.5 was also rolled at a week prior to the Penguin update, around the 17th of April, so if you lost a significant amount of traffic around that date, then you were most likely ‘Pandalized’ rather than ‘Penguinalized!!!!’

Oh and let’s not forget the 750,000 unnatural backlink warning messages that Google sent out prior to these changes, warning webmasters to remove links that were acquired through unnatural means…what an interesting few months its been!

Ok so it doesn’t take a genius to notice that Google is on the aggressive right now, trying their hardest to remove spam from the results and level the playing the field for SEO. I ‘ve never experienced this many changes so closely related than what we are seeing now.

One thing that I must say I find pretty frustrating is that Google tells us not to do much if any SEO, other than make your sites easier to crawl etc…and when it comes to offpage SEO they expect it to happen naturally. The problem for the small guys and gals doing web marketing is that it’s virtually impossible to get enough exposure in the first place so that other webmasters even know about our sites to even consider linking to you. Sure large brands don’t have to worry as they already have a following.

So I don’t think the playing field is that level when Google does the changes they make, but regardless we have to play by their rules as closely as we can, or pay the price of getting no traffic from Google.

So with that said, in light of all the carnage going on out there right now, here’s some suggestions that might help:

If Google wants people to just blog away and build affiliate marketing sites or stores etc…without doing any significant SEO, then we really need to mimic this as closely as possible. If you take a look at a few dozen sites ranking in Google now for various keywords, ask yourself if you think they are doing careful On Page SEO or not.

It’s really not that hard to spot, just look at some of the titles of pages on sites and ask yourself if these look like they were written with the keyword in mind or the topic in mind. Of course you will see some junk that is ranking and ask yourself how this got there, but just overlook that as Google will remove the junk eventually, so don’t get caught up on that just focus on good quality yourself.

Also have a look at all the content on the sites and ask yourself if the topics were written with keywords in mind or with topics in mind. Of course if you want to get traffic to your sites, you really have to do keyword research, and then target these keywords, however do it as natural looking as you can, so you still target keywords but fly under the radar!

If you focus on building great quality sites, that your traffic will love, then they will naturally want to bookmark your site and share it on Facebook and Google Plus. Not only that though, they will most likely come back again and also search for your site in Google using the site name. Ideally you want your site to get a lot of searches for its name, as it’s a clear signal to Google that people like it. Other good signals are the time on your site, low bounce rate, high average page view etc…

The only way you stand any chance of getting these “good signals” happening on your site is if you actually have a good site, not rocket science really. The problem is that good sites take effort and time and a lot of people can’t be bothered, and instead continue to put up low quality thin sites, and try all sorts of things to dodge the Google bullets, but honestly it’s all a waste of time in the long run, trust me I’m speaking from experience.

Google are only going to roll out more and more updates like Penguin and Panda, who knows maybe the next one will be called “Google Poodle”, ha ha, then you can say your site was “Poodlized!!! In all seriousness though, the sooner you move towards managing less sites, and focussing on higher quality, and thinking about the user experience, that better you will do in Google.

Ok so here comes the bombshell, Google sent out all these unnatural link warning to webmasters over the past few months, and sites who got them experiences a drop in rankings. The result is that many webmasters frantically started to remove any links they thought Google might frown upon and then submit for a reconsideration. I assume many SEO companies got dropped by webmasters, only to be replaced by news ones who get on their high horse and claim they are pure whitehat SEO and all will go well if the webmaster is to choose them…I doubt it…no one is 100% whitehat.

So why is this a bombshell then? Well the obvious question is, “if low quality backlinks to your sites can harm them, can’t we all go out and build a bunch of low quality links to our competitors?”

My response to this used to be “No way, if Google allowed this it could well create total chaos online”

My response now is “I’m not sure anymore, and I am starting to think low quality links combined with a lack of good signals coming off your site may well cause problems for you!”

I don’t think these recent changes in regards to backlinks will cause widespread chaos by any means, the reason being that chaos, I assume, would mean the likes of Amazon could be taken down, or other well established authority brands. I don’t think will ever happen, as these kinds of sites have way too many good signals for Google to ditch them, and the same goes for much smaller, yet quality sites too.

So what about sites that are ranking well but don’t have many “good signals”, are these open for attack from this negative SEO? I can’t definitely say, but my assumption is that possibly yes, if the negative campaign against them is particularly nasty in nature and well planned out. I sincerely discourage anyone from getting involved in these tactics, as it’s not the way to win a battle, and we would all not like it if someone did it to us.

I encourage people, if you are using forced link building, and I think most of us will have to, make sure you don’t use overly spammy links, such as mass auto-blog comments, profile links, very public blog networks etc…anything that is really obvious and easy for Google to spot as forced linking. Also do your best to create content and tools, anything that will increase the chances of people linking to you naturally.

Also if you create a decent following in your niche this will happen much more easily. I think the key is to use linking as much as you need to, to gain momentum, but don’t rely on forced linking only, otherwise your site will not look natural.

To close this post I want to leave this final thought, spend time analyzing high quality sites in various niches, and take notes on how they make the user experience a good one, and do your best to employ as many of these techniques on your own sites.

If you enjoyed this post, I would be super grateful if you would shar on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus below.


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Peliculas Online

How Sticky is Your Site?

How Sticky is Your Site?

Something I’m focussing on a lot at the moment is making my sites more ‘sticky’. By ‘sticky’ I mean creating content, tools, games etc…that make my sites more interesting and create a good user experience.

This does take more work, but I strongly believe it is well worth the time and energy to do so, as it will help you get more viral traffic as visitors will be more inclined to share your site and it will also create good metrics to show off to Google (more on this later).

Every site will be different, so you need to ask yourself, what could I add to my site that would make my site stick out from all the other sites in the niche. Remember your aim should be to have the best site in your niche, as this will win out in the long term.

With that said, I have just had some great tools created for one of my sites, that the visitor can play with and once done can print the results, email them to a friend, or save them! Pretty cool eh…and I hope this will get people naturally linking to the site and also good old referral traffic from social sites.

You don’t have to spend much on this stuff, in fact simple quizzes can do the trick, like what you find over at Snack Tools (thanks to Lisa P for that one) – can work great. The key is to make your sites more interesting than just plain text, as let’s be totally honest here, who really loves reading a page full of just text? I personally don’t myself, and enjoy a site much more, if I can interact or even just watch a video combined with the text.

You could get any number of simple scripts created for very little expense, such as a BMI calculator if you’re in the weight loss niche, or anything that someone in the niche would find helpful, and most likely bookmark your site to come back to.

On that note, simply adding a YouTube video in your content is one of the most basic forms of ‘stickiness’ you can do. I like using YouTube on sites, because what will happen is your video will get more views if it’s embedded on your site, which will help it rank higher in YouTube itself. Over time your YouTube channel will grow in authority, and I think that’s not only a good extra traffic source, but a nice signal to Google that you have a quality site, if you have a quality channel linking to you.

Proper well done comparison tables are quite interesting and can get people not only hanging around on the page, but also linking to it. This can be comparing features of multiple products and their prices, but just make sure the information is accurate, don’t guess it. You could also have a table with latest figures, for example a site on precious metals could have a chart on latest spot prices.

You could also make lists of the best and worse products in the niche and why you think this is the case. For example in the “Online Webinars” niche there are quite a few products, and the price range is massive. So you could break it down and even do demos of yourself using the tools to illustrate the features of each and then compare them.

If you take the time to write a really informative PDF on a topic in your niche, this can be a great tool, as people will hang around to read it and also share it with people, if the quality is good. You could even survey your traffic over a period of time and find out what the most popular questions people have, and then research and answer all of these and create it into a report on your site, and tell people what you did and these are the finding from your research.

Having a real blog with active comments, by ‘real’ I mean one where there is actually a readership/community like this one, where people will stay around on the site and participate.

Of course you can go the extra mile and consider adding a forum onto your domain. I’m planning on doing this with my ecommerce store eventually, once I gain more momentum with it, as I believe a forum is a great way to get people to stick around, and also share your domain with other people. This has many added benefits if done well, such as adding content to the domain.

I have mentioned this in a previous post, but make sure your site looks nice and is easy to navigate, as if someone gets a bad impression of your site as soon as they arrive, you have to work uphill to try and convince them to stick around for the great content. I don’t even bother read content on sites that look really crappy.

In closing, I think focussing on making sites stickier is very important aspect on online marketing, and again it comes back to improving the user experience. If your visitors hang around on your site, visit multiple pages on the site and share it on the social networks, then you’re in good shape, and Google LOVES to see this kind of activity. This is when I think it’s a good idea to have Google Analytics installed on your domain, as these sort of metrics are awesome to show Google, as it proves to them that you have a high quality site.

Google will see that not all traffic comes from search engines, you get social media recommendations, people stay on the site for a decent amount of time, you have a low bounce rate, and lots of return visitors, what more could Google want!

I would really love to hear what ‘sticky’ ideas you guys know about, as the more ideas we share with each other the better!!

Also if you like my site, be awesome if you would share it with the social icons below;

Hi, my name is Matt Carter and this is my blog. I write about various topics to do with Internet Marketing and strive to provide the best free resource for people wanting to develop online businesses. More about me..

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Peliculas Online

Facebook Niche Marketing Webinar

Facebook Niche Marketing Webinar Facebook Niche Marketing Webinar

Hi everyone,

I recently recorded a webinar with Brittany Lynch, who’s an expert at traffic and conversions, and in particular using Facebook for niche marketing. You can watch the replay of the webinar at the link below. The strategies you’ll learn about in this webinar are great for affiliate marketing and also for products owners. I’m personally implementing some of these tactics myself soon.

==>Facebook Niche Marketing Webinar<==

The webinar is well worth watching, as there is some very practical tips on,

How to pick a hot niche marketHow to build an email list using FacebookHow to laser target customers interested in your offers for max conversions.How to build a niche profit system that generates residual income.

…and loads more.

Virtually the entire webinar is practical examples, and the live audience gave a lot of great feedback, so make sure you check it out.

I’m personally using the system that Brittany (the presenter) teaches, and am following her advice for a new niche that I have just entered, as I can see the power of this strategy, and want to diversify away from as much SEO. I encourage you to do the same, as if your only traffic method is SEO, then its not smart, as Google have too much control, and also what you’ll learn in this webinar gets results WAY faster than SEO does anyway!

Hi, my name is Matt Carter and this is my blog. I write about various topics to do with Internet Marketing and strive to provide the best free resource for people wanting to develop online businesses. More about me..

View the original article here

Peliculas Online

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

ShareASale ThinkTank 2012 Recap

I am just now catching my breath after a crazy time last week with Affiliate Summit Central 2012 and ShareASale ThinkTank 2012 back to back in Austin, TX.

Lakeway Spa & Resort on Lake TravisShareASale ThinkTank 2012 took place May 16-18, 2012 at the Lakeway Resort & Spa on Lake Travis.

ThinkTank is a different kind of affiliate network event.

It’s exclusive, and all invited affiliates (there is an application process) are able to register for the accommodations, food, and entertainment at a nominal fee ($50 this year).

The first day started with attendees playing golf with CEO Brian Littleton. I didn’t make it out to the course this year, because I was wrapping up Affiliate Summit Central, and then I had to run a practice for one of my daughter’s soccer teams. A benefit of having the event near my home.

ShareASale ThinkTank 2012 shirt frontAnyhow, I got there just in time to check-in, and part of the package they gave to all attendees was a personalized, color-coded shirt to indicate the type of attendee they were.

I got orange, which was the color for merchants/advertisers (Affiliate Summit affiliate program).

Then I went to the OPMs & Appetizers Welcome Reception, where there were a series of OPM (outsourced program manager) tables, and each had a signature appetizer.

Networking went late into the evening, and it was great to meet a lot of new folks.

The next morning started with an 8am breakfast, followed by a couple rounds of educational sessions.

Then we had a number of Affiliate-Merchant Private Meetings, where dozens of companies got face time with a bunch of current and future affiliates.

This was a great opportunity for us to meet with affiliates to chat in 15 minute segments on how we could better work together.

We then headed out to a tasty barbecue lunch outside, followed by an afternoon on Lake Travis.

This was a fantastic time where ShareASale arranged for a fleet of pontoon boats, ski boats, jet skis, a yacht, and a party boat.

Networking, sun, and fun!

After everybody got cleaned up, Affiliate Summit hosted a poolside party for the ShareASale ThinkTank attendees.

We provided a mixture of hors d’eouvres: mini beef wellington, mini BBQ beef slider on challah bun, chicken quesadilla with peppers and jack cheese, mini jumbo lump crab cake on jalapeno aioli, lobster and mango spring roll, tuna tar tar with toasted sesame seeds in a cucumber cup, and vegetarian eggrolls), as well as a mashed potato martini bar, Texas fajitas, and a prime rib of beef carving station.

And then there was an open bar with cocktails, wine and beer, plus live music from FallenAsh.

This was followed by some more networking and ShareASale Founder & CEO, Brian Littleton, playing the piano and singing with the crowd.

This was a good time to sing poorly and chat up more attendees of ThinkTank.

I made sure to do plenty of both.

The final day kicked off with yet another tasty networking breakfast.

More tasty food, much needed coffee, and chatting with a table of smart affiliate marketers. That’s always a great thing.

After breakfast, there were more Affiliate-Merchant Private Meetings, and then some educational sessions.

One that I liked in particular was a discussion with Scott Jangro about the platform, Shareist, which he currently has in Beta. Those who attended Affiliate Summit Central or ShareASale ThinkTank got codes to join the Beta.

I’ll be playing with it a lot in the coming month.

The sessions were followed by a nice lunch, where I really enjoyed the food and conversation, but was most intrigued by the debut of the ShareASale Merchant Catalogue.

This is a printed directory of affiliate programs in the ShareASale network.

I can’t speak for other affiliates, but this is a really neat thing to me. I don’t typically keep tabs on the latest news in the affiliate networks, but I’ll read it all in print.

I hope this is a regular resource for affiliates in the future.

Finally, there was the closing ShareASale “Things We Need to Fix” Session.

This was an open forum, hosted by Brian Littleton, where attendees are able to share their thoughts on improvements and changes.

It’s a gutsy thing to subject yourself to any and all comments and questions about your company, and I comment Brian for doing this each year.

Thank you to Brian Littleton and his team for a classy event filled with business, tips, new relationships, and great times.

Check out the Tweets from ThinkTank with hashtag #thinktank12.

Pictures: ShareASale ThinkTank 2012

Building a Directory Site

I started up a new site project with my wife, Vicky, a month ago, and it’s really coming together now.

Four Points GuideIt’s a directory called Four Points Guide of all things in our area, because there are lots of new people moving in who have no idea where to find doctors, gyms, restaurants, etc.

It’s a project that came out of our own frustrations after moving to Austin, TX a year and a half ago. We found that everybody we met had the same aggravations, and so a solution was born.

The model for Four Points Guide (Four Points is an area that includes a handful of large sub-divisions in west Austin) is to provide all businesses with free listings in the directory, and when we’ve got traffic coming in, we’ll work on upselling them to a selection of paid packages.

In the meantime, we’re using Google AdSense and affiliate programs that have brick and mortar stores in the area to begin monetizing.

I knew the site would be in WordPress from the start, because I wanted to make it easy for my wife, and anybody else we might having working with us, to do things on the backend.

Then came the choice of a theme. I initially purchased the Listings theme from WooThemes, but after days of struggling to make it do what I wanted, I decided to look elsewhere (I’ve got something else in mind for this theme in the coming weeks).

I was really happy to come across DirectoryPress from Premium Press. The features were literally how I would have sketched out what I wanted for this directory.

Since coming up with the name, theme, and logo (chosen from a contest on ThePerfectDesign), I’ve been working on tweaks to the backend, and various functionality issues, as well as building content and listings.

Vicky has been feverishly adding business listings from around the area.

Currently, I’ve put up Facebook and Twitter accounts for Four Points Guide, and I’ll be adding YouTube, Pinterest, and maybe some others.

But for now, it’s all about adding content and listings, plus building traffic through SEO, social media, list building, and some local advertising.

I love this stage when you get to start seeing pages get indexed and the traffic creeps up. But it’s also a different kind of exciting project, since I’ll be promoting it to neighbors, rather than faceless drones around the world.

Check out Four Points Guide and let me know what you think. Would you use it if it were in your area? Why or why not?

Personal Tour Of Nonstop Traffic Formula Private Membership Site

Check out this new 4 minute long video.

It’s where I take you on a personal guided video tour of my “Nonstop Traffic Formula” Private Membership site and show you the insane amount of exclusive traffic-getting, list building and money making training that’s just waiting for you “on the inside”.

(tip: Click the “full screen” icon)

Check out this special  Nonstop Traffic Formula video for more information.

Please share with your friends!more Personal Tour Of Nonstop Traffic Formula Private Membership Site

View the original article here

Peliculas Online

Youtube SEO With Blog Post Link Love

The official name of this tutorial is “Youtube SEO Or How to Get Youtube Views By Ranking Higher With Blog Post Link Love” but that’s too long for a blog post so I shortened it for you icon smile Youtube SEO With Blog Post Link Love

It’s just one of dozens of youtube ranking techniques that I share with my students that can help you grab more free traffic from youtube.

But remember… it’s not just about getting more hits on youtube… once you get the video views you have to make sure you properly design your youtube channel and your individual videos to “legally steal” traffic from youtube  to build a bigger list and make more sales.


Recommended Resource:

“Here’s How To Get your Youtube Videos To Rank #1 in Google In As Little As 3 Days”

It’s an absolute bargain at $7:

Youtube Google Hack Special Report

Here are a few things to remember about “Blog Post Link Love”:

1. This isn’t a new “Youtube SEO” technique that will go away tomorrow, I’ve been using and teaching it for years and it works.
2. Youtube loves incoming links so run a full-blown incoming link campaigns for your most important videos, especially for highly competitive phrases.
3. This Youtube ranking tactic works with both new videos and old videos.
4. This also works for both new blog posts and old posts, however…
5. The more “seasoned” the blog, the more powerful the link will be which means you should concentrate on building incoming links to your blog posts in order to help increase the power of the “blog post link love” you send to your videos on Youtube.
6. Use your primary keyword phrase as the anchor text of your link.
7. Link directly to the video watch page on Youtube if your goal is to increase the rankings of the video (as opposed to the ranking of your channel).

If you have any questions… or you enjoyed this video and my “Youtube SEO blog post link love” technique…

Simply leave your comments below and please be sure to share this post  with all your friends on Facebook and Twitter friends icon smile Youtube SEO With Blog Post Link Love

 Recommended Resource:

“Here’s How To Get your Youtube Videos To Rank #1 in Google In As Little As 3 Days”

It’s an absolute bargain at $7:

Youtube Google Hack Special Report

Consumer Notice: This post contains my affiliate link and if you use it to buy something I may get paid a commission. But hey, there’s no charge to watch the special youtube google hack video and the commission is something like 3 bucks so it’s  not like I’m recommending it so I get rich or anything like that. Enjoy!

Please share with your friends!more Youtube SEO With Blog Post Link Love

View the original article here

Peliculas Online

How To Build Highly Responsive And Extremely Profitable Email Lists Part 1 of 4

I recorded this “How To Build A Highly Responsive and Extremely Profitable Email List” video at my most recent live seminar.

The attendees paid $1,997.00 or more for the right to be their live but you get to watch it for free.

This was the last presentation of a very long weekend… and I pretty much did all the “speaking” at the event so I’m a little tired.

But the content was still rock-solid and many of the attendees told me this seminar was the best I have ever hosted… and I’ve hosted a LOT of seminars over the years.

This is part 1 of 4.

Watch Part 1: “How To Build A Highly Responsive and Extremely Profitable Email List”

This was part 1 of 4.

If you enjoyed this video…

You can watch all 4 parts of the video series on my Facebook Fan Page.

Watch all 4 parts here:

 Jeff Johnson’s Facebook Fan Page  

(If you enjoy the videos please do me a favor and “like” my fan page and this post icon smile How To Build Highly Responsive And Extremely Profitable Email Lists Part 1 of 4 )

Please share with your friends!more How To Build Highly Responsive And Extremely Profitable Email Lists Part 1 of 4

View the original article here

Peliculas Online

Nonstop Traffic Formula Training Videos

I just posted several new training videos to my Non-Stop Traffic Formula blog for you.

I also posted the all-new Non-Stop Traffic Formula Cheat Sheet version 2.0.

They are jam-packed with some of my best traffic-getting training this year.

They both reveal my top 10 sources of Non-Stop Traffic that are all part of my Non-Stop Traffic Formula.

And then I walk you through each of them and show you how to use them to create an irresistible force of Non-Stop Traffic so powerful that even Google couldn’t stop you if they wanted to!

But here’s the best part:

Each of my top 10 sources of non-stop traffic is free, and so is the training.

Here are my top 10 sources of Non-Stop Traffic:

o Youtube Ranking Optimization
o Facebook Traffic Grab
o Twitter Blog Bounce
o Push Send, Get Traffic
o Traffic-Getting Blogs
o Building Backlinks with Articles
o Contests  and Sweepstakes Traffic Magnets
o Free Software Giveaway
o Non-Stop Affiliate Traffic

In my free Non-Stop Traffic Formula training videos I literally take you by the hand and walk you through, step-by-step, each of these source of non-stop traffic sources.

I’ll even hook you up with a free copy of my Non-Stop Traffic Formula Cheat Sheet version 2.0 to make things even easier on you.

And in a few days I’ll be releasing my ‘Traffic launcher 2.0 Action Plan” which will show you exactly what you need to do to maximize the power of my Non-Stop Traffic Formula.

But it will be much more useful to you if you watch the other traffic-getting training videos first.

So check out my Non-Stop Traffic Formula training videos  and PDF Cheat Sheets today… they are absolutely free.

Please share with your friends!more Nonstop Traffic Formula Training Videos

View the original article here

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